
《序言》 《 introduction 》 宋文峰先生,是吉林省值得称道的书法家,作品功底深厚,书风纯正,风格刚健俊秀,独树一帜,继承了传统文化的艺术之美,且填词自书,气势或恢弘或委婉,极具个性的



《 introduction 》


Mr Wen-feng song, is a commendable calligrapher in Jilin province, works, pure, handsome style, unique, inherited the beauty of the traditional culture, and lyrics from the book, momentum or grand or euphemism, individual visual charm, to carry forward and inheriting Chinese traditional culture play the role of the continuity, in this recommendation, to encourage future generations.


About The Author

宋文峰,名:荒羽,字:默风,号:辽东散人,斋号:诗墨轩。男,1963年4月生,吉林省四平市梨树县人。吉林省龙收书画馆馆员,吉林省四平市文化企业协会艺术家分会会员,吉林省四平市硬笔书法 家协会会员,吉林省著名书法家。书法功底深厚,在诗词创作方面也有很大的成就,把诗词和书法相结合,以文养书,书风纯正,韵味十足,美轮美奂。几十年的辛勤耕耘,作品如行云流水,蛟龙游走。遍习前人的大量珍贵典籍,书法技艺涵容精进,具独特鲜明的艺术风格,书法浑厚飘逸,俊秀天成,极具艺术观赏性,深受书法界同仁的赞誉及好评,作品被各界人士收藏,也斩获了诸多耀眼荣誉。荣获2017年“喜迎十九大全国书画大赛”书法组银奖;2021年“翰墨中华.丹青杯”全国书画大赛第三名;庆祝中国共产党成立100周年第九届“中国梦想杯”特别金奖。个人被收入《世界名人书画网》名家人才库;《国家艺术人才库》授予2021年度“优秀书画家”称号。


Song Wenfeng, name: Huang Yu, word: Mo Feng, number: Liaodong scattered people, Zhai number: Shi Moxuan.Male, born in April 1963 in Lishu County, Siping City, Jilin Province.He is a member of Jilin Longshou Calligraphy and Painting Museum, a member of artist Branch of Siping Cultural Enterprise Association, a member of Siping Hard Pen Calligraphers Association of Jilin Province, and a famous calligrapher of Jilin Province.Calligraphy foundation is profound, in the creation also has great achievements in poetry, poetry and calligraphy combined, with the book, pure style, full of charm, beautiful and magnificent.Decades of hard work, works such as flowing

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